Comparative Study for the Performance of VBLAST, QOSTBC and Hybrid BLAST-STBC MIMO System under Transmit Link Deep Fading
Mohammed Salemdeeb; Ammar M. Abu-Hudrouss
This paper studies the effect of transmit antenna multipath channel deep fading on the effective received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), bit error rate (BER), capacity and throughput of 4 × 4 MIMO system for several transmit fading scenarios.
The simulated results are obtained in an environment of 4 × 4 MIMO system using MATLAB software where the total transmit power is normalized to one. The purpose of normalizing the transmit power is to make the results independent of transmitted power. The system (SNR) is a given parameter so the power of the white noise is adjusted in accordance with the SNR. All the detections are done using maximum likelihood receiver (ML). Although ML detector has high computational complexity, it is used to get an optimum detection for a fair comparison