Fire Early Warning System of Multi Room Based Internet of Things (IoTs)
Dedi Satria; Sri Safrina Dewi; Didik Sugiyanto; Elin Yusibani
Fire disasters are one of the disasters that are often experienced by many residents and apartment rooms. This type of fire disaster often occurs due to the fault of the occupants. Especially for apartment building owners who have security officer offices, a fire early warning system is needed that can be monitored by building security officers remotely using the Internet of Things technology concept (IoTs). This article aims to explain the design of the apartment building room fire warning system using the concept of IoTs. The design was built using a fire sensor, smoke sensor, Arduino Uno as a client and Raspberry Pi as an information system server. This design produces a prototype of a fire early warning client system that detects fires and a prototype server as a web-based information provider and alarm to security officers of apartment buildings