Admission Control for Vehicular Mobility Aware Scheme for QoS Improvement
Anshuman Singh; Asst. Prof. Anurag Rishishwar; Asst. Prof. Bhagwat Kakde
The recent development in wireless network technology provides the uninterrupted service to the mobile users roaming around the network. In this work handoff queue (HQ) is propose with different admission control policies depends on mobility of vehicle for new arrived call blocking probability (NCBP), arrived handoff-call dropping probability (HCDP), handoff-call holding time in the handoff queue, and channel utilization with system carried traffic. At the static stage of vehicle a handoff priority with guard channels is use since the user in static vehicles are not fixed, it may get in or get off the vehicle. In addition, an Handoff Queue is examined during stopping to further accept handoff users.