Khare, Mr. Vikas. "Microcontroller Based Solar Charge Controller for Power Application". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 87 - 90.[More]
Sinhmar, Promila and Amrita Rai. "M}odeling and Simulation of FIR Filters and Comparison of Frequency Response in Time Domain and Frequency Domain for {UMTS". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 216-221.[More]
N., Hemalatha. K., Manjula B. B. and Girija. S. "Online Testable Decoder using Reversible Logic". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 62 - 68.[More]
NARSIMHA, Dr. V. B. "Performance in Heavy Load and in Lower Load Better Performance in MANET". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 116-119.[More]
Srivastava, Dr. Neelam, Arpita Johri and Mudit Saxena. "Performance of Nakagami – m Fading Channel with Equal Gain Combining and Maximal Ratio Combining Diversity Techniqu". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 46 - 52.[More]
SINGH, ALOK et al. "Scheduling Algorithms for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks - A Survey". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 23 - 29.[More]
Kaur, Ms. Daljit and Dr. Parminder Kaur. "Secure Web Development Based on Vulnerabilities". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 120 - 125.[More]
KHARE, PALLAVI, Jaikaran Singh and Mukesh Tiwari. "Secured Toll Surveillance System through Combination of KNN, Outguess and DES". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 8 - 15.[More]
Akojwar, Ms. Rashmi A. et al. "Software As A Service With Cloud Computing". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 155-161.[More]
Shankar, M., Dr. M. Sridar and Dr. M. Rajani. "Unavoidability Routine Enrichment for Real-Time Embedded Systems by Using Cache-Locking Technique". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 41 - 45.[More]
Mishra, Anil et al. "Verification for PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signal Using Partial Transmit Sequences Technique". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 190-194.[More]
Bharne, Sanjit S. et al. "Wireless Sensor Networks for Privacy Preserving Location Monitoring System". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 195-198.[More]
Pujari, Vidya S. and Prof. Mandar Sohani. "A Comparative Analysis on Copy Move Forgery Detection in Spatial Domain Method Using Lexicographic and Non Lexicographic Techniques". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 142-145.[More]
Srikanth, J. and R. Savithri. "A New Approach for Improving Quality of Web Applications Using Design Patterns". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 199-203.[More]
Ashok, Jammi and Srinivas Bobba. "A Novel Approach for Determination of Clusters from Unlabeled Data Sets". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 16 - 22.[More]
Zuhori, Syed Tauhid. "A Novel Approach for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem and Compare Its Performance with Inver-Over Operator of Genetic Algorithm". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 168-171.[More]
Pal, Debajyoti. "A Performance Evaluation of Commonly Used Network Simulators". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 57 - 61.[More]
Mukesh, Chand and H. L. Mandoria. "A Proposed Process Model for Removing IP Address Conflicts when Different MANETs merge: Check the Performance of Server when Address Conflict Occurs". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 172-175.[More]
Sharma, Dinesh and R. K. Singh. "A Review on Fading {&} Roadmap to its Realization". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 209-215.[More]
Tiwari, Swati and R. P. Mahajan. "A Secure Image Based Steganographic Model Using RSA Algorithm and LSB Insertion". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 79 - 86.[More]
Kannan, M. and J. Sujatha. "A Study on Preference and Usage of Educational Related Websites by Higher Secondary School Teachers". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 30 - 32.[More]
Jain, Dr Suresh et al. "An Approach for Comparative Research Between Ontology Building {&} Learning Tools for Information Extraction {&} Retrieval". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 1 - 7.[More]
Gupta, Prashanna and Shweta Yadav. "An Integrated Algorithm for Secured Communication with Digital Abstract Based on DES and Diffie Hellman". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 138-141.[More]
Makhijani, Jagdish and Dr. Anil Rajput. "An Overview of Checkpointing Techniques for Fault Tolerance in Distributed Computing Systems". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 133 - 137.[More]
Singh, Ms. Rashmi and Dr. H. K. Verma. "Big Bang–Big Crunch Optimization Algorithm for Linear Phase Fir Digital Filter Desi". IJECCE 3.1 (2012): 74 -78.[More]